
Susan Oguche
1 min readApr 17, 2023

Grief is a tormentor

It enters in unannounced

Makes its presence know in a boisterous and aggravating way

Brings up a long forgotten memory

Reminds you of who and what you have lost

Lingers far too long

After the lights have gone out

And all other respectable visitors have exited

It stays defiant

Feet up and on the surface of your brand new coffee table

Daring you to turn it away

Making you speak the name of the missing

As your voice quivers

And your face steaks with tears

Grief is a healer

It enters in unannounced

Makes its presence know in a soft and inviting way

Brings up a long forgotten memory

Reminds you of who and what you have lost

Lingers just long enough

After the lights have gone out

And all other respectable visitors have exited

It stays by your side

Seated close enough to catch the pieces of your breaking and wrung out heart

Inviting you into remembrance

Making you speak the name of the missing

As your voice quivers

And your face streaks with tears

